Homedate of birth calculatorQuick Tricks for Mental Percentage Calculations

Quick Tricks for Mental Percentage Calculations




Quick Tricks for Mental Percentage Calculations
Quick Tricks for Mental Percentage Calculations

In today’s fast-paced world, we often encounter situations where quick mental calculations are essential. One such scenario is calculating percentages. Whether you are a student, a business owner, or an employee, being able to calculate percentages mentally can save you a lot of time and effort. In this article, we will discuss some quick and easy tricks that can help you do mental percentage calculations effortlessly.

Understanding the Basics of Percentage

Before we dive into the tricks themselves, it is essential to understand the basics of percentage. Percentage is a way of expressing a proportion or a fraction out of 100. For example, if you received a score of 80 out of 100 in a test, your percentage score would be 80%. To calculate the percentage of any given number, we need to multiply that number by the given percentage and divide the result by 100. For example, to calculate 20% of 250, we would do the following:

20% of 250 = (20/100) x 250
= 0.2 x 250
= 50

Trick 1: Splitting Method

The splitting method is a quick and easy way to calculate percentages mentally. In this method, we split the given percentage into smaller, more manageable percentages that are easy to work with. Let us take an example to understand this method:

Example: What is 22% of 540?

Step 1: Split the percentage into smaller percentages that add up to 100. In this case, we can split 22% into 20% and 2%.

Step 2: Calculate 20% of the number. To calculate 20% of 540, we can simply divide the number by 5, since 20% is equal to 1/5th of the number.

20% of 540 = (20/100) x 540
= 108

Step 3: Calculate 2% of the number. To calculate 2% of 540, we can divide the number by 50, since 2% is equal to 1/50th of the number.

2% of 540 = (2/100) x 540
= 10.8

Step 4: Add the results from step 2 and step 3 to get the final answer.

22% of 540 = 108 + 10.8
= 118.8

Trick 2: Fraction Method

The fraction method is another simple and effective way to calculate percentages mentally. In this method, we convert the given percentage into a fraction and multiply it by the given number. Let us take an example to understand this method:

Example: What is 35% of 480?

Step 1: Convert the percentage into a fraction by dividing it by 100. In this case, the fraction will be 35/100, which can be simplified to 7/20.

Step 2: Multiply the fraction by the given number.

35% of 480 = (35/100) x 480
= (7/20) x 480
= 168

Trick 3: Doubling and Halving Method

The doubling and halving method is a simple trick that involves doubling or halving the given number to make it easier to work with. Let us take an example to understand this method:

Example: What is 45% of 360?

Step 1: To make the calculation easier, we can halve the given number. In this case, we can divide 360 by 2, which gives us 180.

Step 2: Double the given percentage. In this case, we can double 45% to get 90%.

Step 3: Calculate 90% of the halved number. To calculate 90% of 180, we can multiply the number by 9/10, which is the same as dividing it by 10 and then multiplying by 9.

90% of 180 = (9/10) x 180
= 162

Step 4: Divide the result by 2 to get the final answer.

45% of 360 = 162/2
= 81


1. What are percentages used for?

Percentages are used to express a proportion or a fraction out of 100. They are used in various fields such as finance, mathematics, science, and statistics to calculate percentages, ratios, discounts, taxes, and interest rates.

2. Can I use these tricks to calculate compound interest?

No, these tricks are only designed to calculate simple interest. To calculate compound interest, you need to use a formula that takes into account the principal amount, the interest rate, and the time period of the investment.

3. Are there any limitations to these tricks?

Yes, these tricks are only effective for simple percentage calculations. For more complex calculations that involve decimals, fractions, or multiple percentages, you may need to use a calculator or a pen and paper to ensure accuracy. It is important to understand the limitations of these tricks and use them accordingly.

4. Can I use these tricks for any given percentage?

Yes, these tricks can be used for any given percentage. However, it is important to choose the trick that is most appropriate for the given percentage and number to get the most accurate result.

5. How can I become better at mental calculations?

To become better at mental calculations, you need to practice regularly. Start with simple calculations and gradually move on to more complex ones. You can also use online resources, tutorials, and exercises to improve your mental calculation skills.


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